204. I can't believe how our lives have continued to evolve throughout the years. From our relationships' stormy infancy we have actually crossed the threshold into steady, serious, full- blown adulthood; facing challenges we could only dream about ten years ago. Immigrating? Looking for well-paid jobs? Tying the knot? Children? Heck, just thinking about those responsibilities sometimes make me want to puke. I feel that I am absolutely not ready for this new chapter in our reality of life. However, no matter how much I just want to close my eyes, shut out the world and focus inwardly, life calls and shouts, "get out of your shell and deal with it! You've been an adult for quite some time." I admit that I've never been happier in my relationship with you. Ever since you finally decided to take that first leap of faith to that immigration consultancy at Iloilo, my faith in our evolving love story was absolutely restored. I was proud of you. I am proud of you for being courageous enough to leave the familiar and take risks into the unknown. With me. You've been doing great at your current job, securing a nice permanent position in an area that you have total dominion over; it's nuances, it's stresses, it's ability to test your patience and love for your calling, all fit into your life like a glove. Yet you're willing to forego that, all for me and family, and the hope that the future could be even better than we could have ever imagined if we just stayed where we are. Perhaps that talk I gave you a few months ago struck a cord in your heart. I hope I didn't scare you too much with my ultimatum, that if by the time we've reached age 29 and still we haven't settled down, I would leave your side. Although it was said with certainty, I did not think you would let me leave you anyway, had I even the strength to leave, which I don't. It was a wake up call, was it not? For us. To move. To evolve. To live. Nothing ever remains the same even if we willed it to be so. Even us. I really think that we are ready for greater things and greater challenges. Gathering our papers here and there, taking exams, reviewing, putting out large sums of money are all for the benefit of a bigger and better future for the both of us and our families and just the tip of the iceberg for the new and improved chapter of our life. And you know what the best part is? We're never alone. We have each other no matter what happens. We can do this hand in hand.
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