Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Brownies Unlimited

164. Got a sweet tooth? We certainly do. And at times we'd satisfy our cravings for sweets at this particular stall at a shopping mall. They sell brownies, what else? They've got a nice variety of brownies and among them, my favorite is the one called walnut swirl. One bite and it will have you craving for more. They also sell some sambas and silvanas which are our favorite puffy, sugary, cream-filled treats. Somehow for a time, every time we watched a movie at that particular mall we would always buy some brownies along with our other usual movie fair. The last time I remember eating a brownie was when my mother baked some when she run a small bakery in the past. My mother's version was moist but had a crunchy top. Your mother, come to think of it, is always baking something sweet every time I visit. She made brownies last time I visited as well. From top to bottom it was moist, chocolatey and perfect. It always seems to me that loving a boy like you always lead to something sweeter and sweeter. Better watch out though, we may become diabetics if we're not careful. One bite is all it takes and we're off into calorie la-la land. Just look at what happened, just one taste of you and I'm addicted to your kisses up until now.  Oh, it's our anniversary again today. Six strong wonderful years. Cheers for us! 

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