Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Perfect Gown

156. I've been dreaming of the perfect gown since forever. I dreamed that it was white, soft, smooth, and flowing. I dreamed it would have graceful butterflies on them and would be Grecian inspired. No, not for my wedding alone, but also for my debut. Luckily, I was given permission to design my gown and I did so, on a piece of yellow pad paper during one of our classes on a burst of inspiration. Although it would have spaghetti straps for it to be demure, the back was daringly low. There was a gigantic golden beaded butterfly hugging my lower back as well, just like in one music video by Leanne Rhymes. The talented dressmakers who usually made clothes for us for special occasions brought this dream of mine to life. There wasn't a gown more beautiful. On the day of my debut, I wore it with pride not only because it was everything that I had wanted it to be, but because you were by my side, completing the entire picture. You looked quite dashing in your suit. Many remarked how we looked like a recently married couple especially since I chose to wear white, the traditional color of brides. And in my mind, I liked it that they thought so because it meant, even in a physical aspect, that they thought we looked good together. On that enchanting night, with my beautiful gown and equally beautiful man, I felt very beautiful and treasured as I walked and danced. And that was more than four years ago. And I've worn that gown only twice. The first one was on my debut while the second time I wore it, we added a delicate white cape, and used for one Santacruzan festival. Sometimes, wistfully, I would take it out of its' box to air it out and see if it still fit me. It still does. Perhaps the next time I wear it it will be on my wedding day. It would still be just as perfect as the moment I first dreamed of it. 

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