Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Carnival Day

167.Visiting your home often makes me a tad uneasy. This was foreign territory to me akin to a strange land with strange new people. I could never have adjusted in a short time if I didn't observe you all to be such good people with good intentions. Loud, boisterous, fun and close. I've often wondered why my own family is so different from yours and if ever I'll get the hang of your family. But they make it so easy so I'd be a fool to worry. Before we went to your house we already ate at the mall yet when we got there, your mother had food prepared so we ate lunch once again. Did I mention she baked some brownies as well? Another gorge fest. Then your brothers appeared and they prodded you for some ice cream which you gladly obliged. And so, another gorge fest. Your father wasn't around though because he was busy with work. After watching a movie with your family at home, since it was your municipality's annual fiesta, we visited the site of the festivities and had fun with some games and the ferris wheel. I got to observe some local gambling games that resembled roulette. Your mother was great on it and it seemed as if everyone knew her. They probably did. It was also great playing shooting games with you. For a person who's short-sighted, you sure have a deadly aim to match your good looks. My aim wasn't half bad either. You bought me a simple metallic necklace that was amazingly intricately formed into my name by a talented man. He was so fast that it was great to watch. But it all went downhill during that ferris wheel ride. That ride seemed old and rickety and unsafe but for just twenty pesos we could stay up there as long as we wanted. And many others were riding on it anyway. It was so romantic to stay side by side and looking at a bird's eye view at everyone down below, so small they were. We were alone at the top of the ferris wheel for the first time. Then it turned. The ferris wheel revolved so fast that our insides felt like exploding on the way down. At first it was amusing but a few minutes later we both felt like throwing up that we signaled to be let down. All the food we had eaten, I felt going back up my esophagus. We walked around the cool night grounds to relieve ourselves from the stomach ache. It would have been perfect save for our rumbling stomachs threatening upheaval and the people looking at us. Well, we were a good-looking tisoy-tisay pair if I do say so myself. You explained that it was rare that they saw such fair-skinned people here with their livelihoods involved  baking under the sun by the seashore for hours on end. You felt proud having me on your arm, and I  did to. You lead me gently and showed me a world I have yet to explore. It was a very good day. You and your father drove me to the bus stop and I insisted that I would be fine riding alone though it was late and I had far to go. It would inconvenience you greatly as well but you insisted on me messaging you every step of the way so I did. When I was home safely and tucked away in bed, I went over the events of the day in my mind. It had been a good day indeed.  

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