Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Eating Eggs

148. I never noticed it before but I've just realized that eggs are part of our daily existence. Other than being a part of everyday breakfast fare, it makes everything just a bit more special with its good cholesterol content and general richness. Its' versatile and could be cooked in any way possible. One time when you had taken a nap in our guest room, I decided to make you an cheese omelet as a snack when you woke up. I thought that waking up to a nice home cooked, warm meal would be a loving gesture. And you agreed. You thought it was delicious and an ultimately sweet gesture. You even said you'd love waking up to the smell of my cooking in the future. I told you that you should love it because it would happen rarely because I usually don't cook. I credited the nice taste of the omelet to the evaporated milk and cheese, pepper and the perfect folding. I think everything, no matter how simple, tastes better with the right amount of condiments. Another type of local delicacy using eggs that we have around especially during fairs and festivals are the baluts and pinoys. Is that spelled correctly? One is basically a chick a few days old, cooked in its own amniotic sac so when you crack the shell and sip its' contents that tastes like soup. I really like the other one with the egg yolk the most because it doesn't have the presence of the actual chick with feathers inside and the still-hard egg white. Other eggs that I am fond of are quail eggs which are usually sold by sidewalk vendors either boiled or fried with flour called kwek-kwek, smothered in sweet-sauce if one so desired. Simply delicious. I remember from the my childhood, my grandmother used to make these delicious deviled eggs for family parties. It's too bad that she can't anymore because I would have loved for you to taste it. Yes, indeed eggs is, was and will be part of our everyday gustatory lives. I only pity the poor chickens who live only for the purpose of egg-laying to fill man's all- time favourite dish.    

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