Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Candles and Roses

157. Choosing the final list for my 18 roses and 18 candles in my debut were quite a chore. The 18 candles were traditionally made up of female friends that have impacted my life and since I have plenty of friends both from highschool and college, it wasn't that much of a challenge as compared to making the final list of the 18 roses. The 18 roses were the men in my life that have really made a difference in my life or have affected my life in some way. Of course, the first rose I've chosen was my dear father, who after a bit of pressure agreed to sing me something for my birthday as well as dance with me. It was a special occasion after all.He was the first rose, the yellow rose. Yellow was his favorite color and is the color of fondness. The rest of the roses, I just chose white. These would be made up of my brother and other relatives and male friends. The last rose was you, of course, and it was red symbolizing love. You were my first love and there was no doubt in my mind that you would have the honor of that red rose. Then there was that rose that was not meant to be. You know which one of my friends was that. When you knew he was in my list, you made quite a fuss since you weren't in such good terms with him. For the sake of the event going as smoothly as possible, I had to remove him from my 18 roses. The things I'd do for you. I was very saddened by this because I really wanted him to be one of my roses since he was a very good friend. Which much apologies to him, though I still gave him an invite, I did not appoint him as a rose. I had to think of someone to replace him so I turned to another friend, who couldn't refuse me. Remember him? He was the tall guy, who was a good friend, yet was exhibiting symptoms of unrequited love for me. He wasn't trouble at all save for the fact that he was sulking in all the pictures and in the video. Needlesss to say, my 18 roses and 18 candles were all present at my special day. And all went as perfect as I could possibly imagine.   

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