Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Too Much To Handle

139. During our early years, drinking alcohol was something I looked at with both curiosity and disdain. It was probably because some men became rowdy during drinking sessions and ended up doing or saying something stupid that has become cause for shame. It is true even for some women as well. Certainly, I have had a few awkward moments myself.  Even I haven't seen you truly drunk until that one time a few years back. And it was during that time that I was finally comfortable with alcoholic beverages at social gatherings. You changed that outlook completely with that horrid behaviour that made me question my sanity. We were celebrating at our hotel room that our board exams were finally over when you had too much to drink that you started to act differently. The first symptom was how you were transformed into a fatherly figure before my very eyes. You began to talk to the new boyfriend of one of our classmates and proceeded to lecture him about topics ranging from respect, trust, propriety and what would happen should he hurt our precious classmate. Fatherly much, we all thought. Thankfully the guy was understanding and just went along with you. When I tried to stop you from drinking more, you accidentally slapped me across the face. It was painful but I forgave you because you were totally out of it. Then the second symptom appeared: the constant denial of drunkenness. You simply refused to stop drinking because you still felt fine and just a tad bit tipsy. Then you proceeded to have more shots. Then the third symptom appeared: you began swaying in a strange manner and began to lurch, threatening to discharge all of your stomach's contents on the hotel room floor. Well, we tried to get you to stand up because everyone was sitting on the floor cross-legged. In the process, someone knocked a bottle of vodka to the floor, and to my horror you vomited all over yourself. It was awful. It took all my strength to not vomit myself from the stink you caused. Me and two other friends, one guy and girl, helped you to the bathroom and let you sit on the toilet. We debated as to what we were going to do with you. Your body was still swaying and I think you puked some more and you were mumbling something incoherently. When we asked if you could handle cleaning yourself up by yourself, you nodded so we left you alone for a few minutes. Then I took the time to cry on my bed with my friends soothing me. Was this the man I was going to marry someday? This is wrong. Plain wrong. But still, I was the girlfriend so I had to take care of you. You would have done the same for me. I opened the bathroom and I saw that you were not doing anything, just sitting there in a pool of stink. Everyone agreed that you had to be cleaned up and that I was going to be the one to do it since I was the caring dutiful girlfriend. They helped me take your clothes off but that's all they did then they left me to clean the partially unconscious you up. I had a desire to take a picture of you at this point just to show to you the next morning what you've put me through. But I didn't because I thought it may traumatize you for life and may hold a potential for blackmail. So I wiped all the vomit from you, then showered you using a 'tabo' followed by shampoo and soap. I was a nurse, I kept telling myself, this doesn't bother me one bit. I towelled you off and I was about to ask help from my friends but most of them had already left for dreamland. What a helpful bunch they were. Luckily one guy friend was still awake. It was too much of a hassle to clothe you in your state so we just wrapped you up with a towel and hauled you off to bed. I slept in the bed beside you with a girl friend and she heard me whimpering throughout the night because of the loss of my usually iron-willed, conservative, practical boyfriend. Well, imagine your surprise to wake up this morning without any clothes on. You actually thought I took advantage of you. Not a chance with all the puke involved. You went to pee and put on decent clothes and was shocked by the carnage in the bathroom, as one could imagine. Wow, you thought, someone was really hung over. Imagine your shock when we told you that it was all you. Great, you couldn't remember a thing. I didn't really let this incident go for a long time, to your absolute dismay. It made your skin crawl every time the subject was broached or hinted upon and you would shake your head in denial. I think everyone got a good hearty laugh at that. And I'm sure that you're never getting drunk in this life ever again which is a great thing for me. Please never ever put me through that incident ever again. It's too painful. 

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