Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Phone Call

165. When we fight sometimes it cannot be helped that things sometimes turn ugly. We both have passionate and proud personalities after all. What I mean to say that we both can be stubborn and have to have our own way. This particular time, we were arguing about a particular friend of mine that you detested. You didn't want me spending anymore time with him because he was only using me for selfish reasons, according to your irrational thinking. I was crying and quite distressed in my room, I wanted to call you on my cellphone but I was surprised a woman picked up. My aunt at Manila. I had rung the wrong number. Embarrassed, I hung up. Then out of concern she called me and we talked about what was wrong. I couldn't help but tell her about my problems and seek her advice. She told me not to worry so much and she encouraged me to talk to you because it was surely unfair what you were asking of me. If you loved me, she said, you would not restrain me from my friends. I was enlightened. Girlfriends weren't supposed to do everything their boyfriends asked of them. Even you. No matter how much I love you, it doesn't mean that everything you tell me I should follow like a blind puppy dog. I mean, I like being lead, I'm a great follower, but I also follow my heart on making decisions of importance in my life. I don't go around telling you not to see your friends when you wanted to so you shouldn't do that to me. I still love you no matter what happens. I thanked my aunt because for even just a moment in time, she showed how much she cared even if we weren't close as relatives. If it weren't for that one misplaced phone call, I wouldn't have gathered my sanity and scattered emotions. That one call made me a little stronger where it counted. I should have a voice in our relationship too.    

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