Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Jersey Girl

144. In one of my entries, I have mentioned how I love the scent of you. I went so far as to preserve your perfume on one of my hankies by sealing them in plastic inside my cabinet. You knew of this little quirk of mine, so you gave me a gift. One of your old highschool shirts. Actually, it was more like a sleeveless basketball jersey that was bright yellow, with blue lines and held your favourite numbers, the good ol' ten. You've only seen me wear it once or twice and usually only at my house but that didn't mean I didn't appreciate the gift. I giggled the first time that I wore it because it somehow still smelled of you, which I really liked. No, not the disgusting sweaty smell of man just the pure freshness of manly pheromones. When I wore it, I felt like you were hugging me and that made me very happy and warm inside. Then I wondered how many games had you played in high school wearing it. How many victories did you celebrate with this jersey? How many agonizing defeats? To belong to a team, is a great experience that forges bonds, sharpens skills with healthy thirst for competitiveness. This jersey, I thought, was like a trophy to you yet you gave it to me. It was like you were sharing your old life with me, and I felt honored. Though I wasn't a part of your glorious memories then, I would be from this moment on. 

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