Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Second Proposal

155. Almost a year after you've first proposed to me in front of a Chapel altar, the ring that you've given me started to rust yet I kept right on wearing it anyway though it caused me a few allergies. You noticed this and shook your head. I shouldn't have given you that kind of ring, you said one day. I told you that it was alright and that I didn't mind. As October came upon us and the date of my debut started to loom ever closer, you thought it would be a great idea to have our own personal celebration before the event came. A simple date a few days before I turn eighteen. This was one of the few times I was late to our meeting place because I didn't get the timing right. You had something to do at your old school and we decided to meet up there instead of you picking me up. Needless to say, I was late and when I arrived you were positively grouchy. We argued for awhile and I apologized and we rode in the front seat of the jeepney in stony silence. Then quite suddenly you grabbed my hand, turned to me and asked me to marry you once again. You placed a new ring on my finger as you told me you loved me. My eyes grew wide and as you could imagine, I started to cry softly. Of course I will, I replied, wiping the tears away, bot you could have picked a better time and  place instead of inside a jeepney to propose! Damn you, for making me cry in public eye. Damn you, for proposing as the jeepney was passing through the market, with all its funny smells. If you wanted to surprise me, it worked well. I was more than surprised. I was shocked. And we laughed and giggled in our seats as we tried to compose ourselves in the front seat before people started staring at us. They probably were. The new ring you gave me was the partner of the one I gave you months before. My heart warmed at the thought of the trouble it took you to find it. I love you so much. And we went on with our date on cloud nine, worries forgotten with hearts open wide. I kept staring at the beautiful silver ring encrusted with zirconiums with delight. And we held hands with our rings for the first second time, rightfully together and in love. 

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