Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


143. Today, I shall talk about those little creatures that hover in our homes in the form of human beings having the same parents as us, sharing our lives whether we liked it or not. Our siblings. I come from an average sized family. I am the eldest child, and the same goes for you. No wonder we both take responsibilities seriously. I also have a brother and a sister, who is the youngest of our brood. She's ten years younger than me and so made her the apple of the eye of our father. She's generally nice and well-spoken though a tad insensitive and absolutely atrocious when pissed off. She loves Japanese anime, like me, and values her friendships and family. I see her blooming into a passionate woman in the future, after she gains her self-confidence. My brother, the middle child, is the wildest of us and I frequently wonder if he does it to grab our parent's attention. He drinks, smokes, is in a band and has had many past girlfriends. He's changed courses in college. He's actually quite intelligent but sorely lacks the motivation to perform well in school. He values his freedom highly and could be a gentleman if he wished it. He's improving though, right before my very eyes. He's well on his way to becoming a real man. One thing that we definitely have in common though is our love for music. We can all play at least one instrument and can be found listening to music almost all the time. I cannot say that I have such a tight knit relationship with both my siblings though we get along easily enough. You were right in your observation that we each had our own thing, our own space in the house. It doesn't mean though that I love them any less. Does one have any choice  with matters like this regarding family? No, I didn't think so. You, on the other hand, have three other siblings. All boys. The one next to you, from my point of view, is intelligent, capable and talented. On the down side though is how he doesn't handle responsibilities nor relationships well. He has the tendency to be a little conceited as well from too much confidence. The brother next to him, I find quite handsome, talented and intelligent. He's like the moreno version of you, I think. Though still a bit irresponsible, he is considerate and kind, which are two great qualities in a guy. Your youngest brother is in in his last year as a grade schooler, but  he's far from outgrowing his child-like qualities. He's the apple of your parent's eye, as usually is the advantage of the youngest child. He loves food and playing computer, and he is always so very warm and welcoming to me though painfully shy at the beginning. What I admire in you and your brothers is your sense of togetherness. You have so much fun together and it's clear that you're all very close and open to one another, with you at the helm. And at this point, I have to mention how big and tall you boys are when you are together, that I always feel so minute beside you. But even so, you all radiate that sense of warmness that I feel as if I was already a member of the family, a sister they never had. One trait that I like about you is how parental you become towards them. You always take care of them so well, and usually don't think twice with regards to sharing what you have, monetary and morality-wise. I'm sure you've had many issues with them and I imagine there were lots of sibling rivalry between you but somehow you all turned out alright. Especially you. You always encourage them all to be responsible and excel in their studies. I think you'd make an excellent father one day, regardless of everything. Every time you invite me to one of your family outings, I always look forward to them because it's a chance for me to get to know your family better. I honestly have no problem with your siblings so I hope that you don't have any issues with mine. Acceptance, I believe is the key to any lasting relationship. There are just things that one cannot change and that includes that people you've grown up with. Any eccentricities, any negativity is just thrown out of the window and one is left with someone, your own flesh and blood, staring back at you with eyes that are the same as yours. No matter what problems and challenges they bring, you still give them the support and guidance they need, no matter how undeserving. That's what brotherly love is all about. 

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