Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Television Habits

150. Let's face it, we both love watching television. If hypothetically we lived in a house with only one television, we'd probably be fighting over the remote. No, I wouldn't say that we are addicted to this type of entertainment but it is probably one of the main things around the house that cause us to relax for much needed brain-emptying after a heavy work day. You love watching natgeo, discovery, history channel and abs-cbn. Whereas my usual fare usually constitutes of starworld, starmovies, hbo and axn for their excellent assortment of shows, dramas and blockbusters. Not that I don't appreciate learning and informative channels like the ones you mainly haunt; there were moments wherein we both tuned in to shows like mythbusters, dogwhisperer and fight science for the fun of it, shows that are so interesting and makes us both look at the world a bit differently. I remember during our first to second year of being together how we loved watching telenovelas and koreanovelas at abs-cbn during weeknights. We'd text each other all throughout the show and tell each other our reactions, whether it be silly, angry or astonished. Television shows actually helped us bond especially in the beginning. Later in our relationship, we liked buying dvd anime series and movies to watch together on the couch, a way cheaper alternative to a movie date and just as enjoyable. I find television a habit that should have limits. It's alright to watch shows but not for more than two hours at a time. I'm sure there are more productive things to do with one's time than just laze around making our eyesight suffer no matter how interesting the subject. Remember, homework came first during our school days. And now, our work, rest and relationships are more important than any show we could watch over and over. Time is precious so it shouldn't be much. Besides, Samara may just crawl out of the television and scare us silly.   

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