Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Good Days, Bad Days

168. In the beginning although we were so aware of each other physically, we were still quite oblivious at times to each others' emotional undercurrents. Thing's are very different now obviously and we are so in tune to each other. Unintentionally, I wear an ordinary expression that is slightly out of sorts and you automatically ask me if I am alright and usually I am not because I'd be fretting about something. You read me so well these days that it's scary. Well, that happens on good days. Everything just flows like water. Good days are when the sun shines bright, the wind blows on our faces and we hold hands and the world is just clean, gleaming and seemingly perfect. No fights, no quarrels though there would be a little teasing, laughter and joking. We'd have little triumphs in school, at work and family matters. One look and we'd get each others meaning. Problems would be solved straight away. We'd lay in each others arms and just fantasize about our "somedays". One text and we'd reply right away. Always ending with I love you forever, goodnight. Happiness, gratefulness would be at our fingertips and we'd have a great rest when we closed our eyes at the end of the day. A far cry from bad days. Bad days are when darkness invades our souls and we see this world in a deeper shade of sadness. The days would be gray and stormy and no matter what we do we just can't seem to see eye to eye. You'd prefer to be alone rather than with me or anyone else. Our opposite qualities would seem glaring and irritating and we'd repel each other. The glue called love would sometimes not be enough to hold us together and cracks would appear. I'd clam up and not talk to you or do the opposite and nag. You'd evade the subject completely or harass me with inquiries, making issues bigger. Little  annoying things seem more annoying. Character flaws would be exaggerated. Things that have gone wrong in our individual lives we take out on each other instead of just talking it out. Everything just turns into one big drama-fest gone wrong. And when we'd wake up the next day, it would be as if all the light and love had gone out of the world, and it would be so exhausting. And have you noticed that our bodies would seem immunosuppressed and we'd look as bad as we feel. Ugh. Bad days are definitely the worst! The only thing good about them is the silver lining- the hope that things will eventually get better. And they do get better. It's a cycle, you see. Nothing stays the same. We cannot have good days all the time. Bad days don't last forever. And ordinary days don't stay ordinary for long. We've learned so much from each other because of those bad days, had they never happened perhaps we'd still be strangers. Those bad days are a testament of the times when our relationship is being tested. Stretched to the limit. Wouldn't you say that it's an accomplishment that we're still together after all this time? After all the problems, challenges and heartache? I don't think there is a love such as ours. And I'm willing to spend the rest of my days with you, whether they be good or bad. I think that mere fact shows commitment. I am committed to you though that makes be all the more vulnerable to be hurt. I know that I will be happy with you. And I hope you feel the same way. No. I know that you feel the same way. That alone, makes me happy. Being with you through the good and bad, that's what a real relationship is about. And as our lives progress, I only hope that we experience many more memories and beautiful days with each other. 

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