Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Sign from Above

188. You and I know that I am horribly guilty of questioning whether or not we were "meant to be together". I supposed it all started when you stole my kiss without any semblance of a courtship and I found myself with a boyfriend the following day. Perhaps it was also being your seventh girlfriend and having six other women to watch out for since the start and you being my first. You and I know that had I just a bit more mature and strong-willed, or you a tad bit "torpe" and less magnetic the entire universe would have conspired against us and we would not have been together in the slightest. Yet here we are still together after a good six years, still fighting. One day we had a horrible quarrel because of you know who. I was terribly unhappy not only because I  hurt you needlessly but also of feeling that you deserved much better. So much better than what I can offer you. So much better than what I did. Like a tainted, brittle, cracked glass, I was close to my breaking point that time. I took deep breaths and stopped myself from crying, sitting by myself in a bus, preparing to depart the station to work. It was a strange place to pray to the Lord and ask for guidance but that's what I did. I prayed my heart out and asked for a sign. Lord, I said, should I stay with him after what I did? Please give me a sign. Something. If he is still the one you want me to be with, let him come to me on this bus right now. Then at that moment you stepped inside the bus and we locked eyes. There never was a more heart stopping moment. It was nothing short of a miracle. I gasped in surprise and a tear escaped my eye. Thank you Lord, I prayed. That was fast. I'll take it from here. Since that day, I've always tried my hardest to make it up to you. I swore that I'd become the kind of girl that you deserve to be with; the kind of girl who unconditionally loved; someone you'd be perpetually honored to have on your arm. Someone to never hurt you. Someone you could always rely on. Someone who can always make you happy. Maybe make you laugh at times. Someone to be your friend. I pray for us even more now. I pray for us to last the way we should. To be forever together, for infinity. We will, I am sure of it now.  

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