Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Start of Review

171. It was at our fourth year in nursing school that our in-house reviews started. A professional review center collaborated with our college and sent lots of talented and intelligent reviewers to prepare us for our dreaded licensing exams. In our vast lecture hall that had luxurious airline- type seats so comfortable for sleeping, we spent many hours listening, taking down notes, enduring endless mock exams and eating the delicious siopaos the reviewers were selling. Fighting sleep, the urge to chit-chat and to just leave to go to the bathrooms and play hookie was one of the challenges we face. Sure enough, the reviewers themselves tried to keep us in line with numerous attendance checks and penalties for lateness especially during mornings where we had to be at the venue at 7am sharp. Their tests were quite difficult but since their strategy was aimed at improving our test-taking skills it was necessary. Thankfully, unlike the present time, those tests weren't graded at all nor included in the curriculum. If they had, I seriously doubt any of us would have made the honor roll. During review sessions, I always remembered us sitting together with other classmates. You were my study buddy. It was fun reviewing with you and trying to rationalize the answers and being competitive with you during tests. It was even more fun when the instructors, especially the gay ones, had games to liven up the review and had made fun of those who were tardy. Somehow, all work and no play, makes even the most studious student exhausted which was why we played hooky once or twice. I'm happy that we decided to take our exams straight away after graduation because what we've reviewed was still quite fresh in our minds. Not to mention going through our awful experiences during filing for our exams at Cebu, but I'll tell that  story another time. 

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