Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Dream

170. I once dreamed a dream that I lived an entire lifetime in one night. You were with me in this dream. And it is one of my most treasured memories so I shall include a shortened version here. 

The Queen of Light

There was once a kingdom made of light, precious stones and glass. It was a powerful kingdom with riches beyond compare and magic to protect it. As war descended upon other kingdoms, this one took in the orphaned, the wounded and the dying. Each household was to adopt one of these lost ones. There lived a family, my family, who took in a boy around seven years of age. This boy, with defiant eyes and a quick tongue and a quicker mind, was you. The moment our eyes met, I instantly knew that we would be forever bonded. As children, none could separate us. We were happy, you and I. And we became lovers as we grew up. 

As time passed, and our schooling done, as was tradition in our land, we would be presented before elders. These were the oldest, most wisest, powerful spirits in the land who were to decide the paths of our lives into adulthood. We were given different paths. Mine was the path of light and magic whereas yours was the path of battles. Our paths were considered not only different in rank, as mine was higher since it would eventually lead me to a place in the senate and a place to rule- a chance to be queen. Yours was the path of a soldier, who wielded no magic in his body, yet would use himself to fight and protect our kingdom and travel to distant lands. That night, during the festivities of our graduation, you told me I was beautiful and that you would love me forever but it upset you that we would be separated, more than that, it angered you that my path would expose me to unnecessary danger. You left. 

Years passed and soon we were now twenty-five years of age. I was a renowned sorceress and was a senator. You were sent to fight abroad, and were fast rising in the ranks as well. What you lacked in magical ability you made up for in cunning and your vast collection of magical weapons. We were both so busy that we rarely sent letters to one another at this time. A messenger arrived proclaiming good news- that the war was over and we had won it. A great celebration erupted all over the kingdom and preparations were made for the homecoming of heroes. As the gargantuan glass gates were opened, our world weary soldiers, were lead into the stadium and given the due honors by our queen. I searched the many faces of our returning heroes for a glimpse of your face. Our eyes met and I ran to your arms like a child, much to the amusement of the queen, officials and the crowd. Arms enveloped around one another, we returned to the castle to talk. Passionately, we kissed by a stained glass window inside my quarters and talked about my achievements at home and your exploits and the many scars and medals you had received. You were so proud to be the youngest general in history, yet again you discouraged me from proceeding with the plans in my own career. 

Our sweet reunion was interrupted by a goblin that attacked me out of nowhere. You defended me, but his quickness was too much and I resorted to entrapping him in ice with my power. You did not hesitate to use a show of violence to persuade him to talk. He revealed that I should give up my plans and warned cryptically that I should not be made queen. As I used my powers to scour his mind, I found that he had placed explosives around the palace which started to explode one after another in that moment. I found myself using all of my powers to hold the castle together single-handedly in a magical field that stopped time while you sought help from the stadium. When you had returned with reinforcements to aid me, you saw much to your relief that I was not harmed. The queen was with you and she praised my skill and power and thanked me. You saw that contrary to your beliefs, I was suited to my path and capable of protecting myself.       

Several years passed and one day, as our queen lay dying on the bed, the light from her body about to disappear, she handpicked me as her successor from all the candidates. I remember being distraught as she died quietly after she placed the delicate royal crown on my head. A dear friend had gone, and I was now responsible for every soul in the kingdom. It was a heavy burden for me but I bore it well. 

There was only one justice in the land, and that was mine. Being queen, I saw through every issue, every crime and passed my judgment. The moment that enchanted, intricately made crown was placed on my head, my body was enveloped in a strange but beautiful  light, much warmer and brighter than the previous queens passed. The honor of that crown, increased my powers a hundred fold and allowed me not only to see into the minds of my subjects but also see the truth that lay in their hearts. A guilty and lying heart could not stand to be in my presence, and would be blinded by the light. There had not been a queen as wise, beautiful nor powerful as I and many people from all over the land came to seek my counsel. As queen, there were few moments that I could have to myself but it did not stop us from being together in the slightest. Though we remained unmarried because of royal protocol, we did not mind it as long as we were together. My reign was peaceful, and you stayed by my side in the kingdom that we both loved. 

One early morning, I donned my white cloak and asked my imperial huntresses to join me in the hunt, a pastime I enjoyed. Bows and arrows clinging to our backs we ran like the wind until we were outside the kingdom gates. Along the road to the forest, we met a strange sight. A horse-less wooden cart was left in the middle of the road, a black sheet covering whatever it was carrying. I asked my huntresses to uncover the contents and we were shocked to find a gigantic pulsating egg within, emanating an evil aura. Within moments, the egg cracked and a full grown dragon that breathed black fire emerged from it and attacked us. We fought using our weapons and I myself did all that I could and threw powerful spells and magic. I even infused all my huntresses' arrows with elemental magic yet it was of no use. Even for one such as I, this creature was too strong to overcome. It caught me between its teeth and wounded me fatally. The guards that survived carried me back to the palace and sealed the gates from the dragon. 

You were shocked with disbelief when you saw me with my wounds. They explained to you what had happened. This could not be real. All the years, you had taken such lengths to protect me and now in times of peace this tragedy has struck.You held me in your arms, you shook me as I started to fall unconscious, calling my name. Your face contorted with grief and yelled for healers to come quick. But alas their magic could not close the wounds made by the dragon. We looked at one another, and we saw our lives flash before our eyes as tears spilled down our faces, mingling with my blood. I knew I would not last much longer and I whispered to you that I loved you. You kissed my forehead, my lips and begged me desperately, not to leave you. My vision grew dark, and as a slight smile came upon my lips, my light disappeared. I love you, you whispered. Everyone was silent as they watched us. My lifeless body, dark and limp, in your arms as you were rocking it back and forth as you yelled my name repeatedly like an enraged maniac. Your heartbroken cries frightened everyone. The queen of light lay dead in her lovers' arms. They too cried for me. The roar of the dark dragon could be heard across the land.  

My spirit watched what was happening in silence. I looked at you and back at the body that I vacated at my feet.I looked at the enchanted crown still on my body's head and touched it. I could not. I did not even leave a successor which was the greatest duty of a queen. The power of the enchanted crown would be forever lost. Many of my people will perish because of me. You will suffer most of all. My heart ached and I cried though no tears came out of me. I called your name yet my words could no longer reach you. Then I sensed something, a strange power,  calling me. The sword in your scabbard. I knew then what I should do. With my last remaining strength, my power as queen, I willed my soul into your sword. 

Through your grief, you felt the sword pulsate at your side. Slowly and with great care you took it out, and it started to glow very bright with the same radiance that was from me. You stood up and as you held the sword in your hand, you felt as if my own hand was holding yours. I am here my love, I whispered through the sword, I am with you. Something came over you at that moment, a sense of relief though fire still raged within your eyes, to the depths of your own soul. I will have revenge, you said, and I will find a way to return you to your body I swear it.

All knelt before you, pledging themselves once more to their queen and to you, their king. 

The dragon roared. The gates were flung open. A solitary figure with a glowing sword emerged. 

And I awoke.  

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