Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Take You Home

8. Taking a boyfriend or girlfriend home is usually a challenging time... akin to letting a goldfish free in a shark- infested ocean. Both parties are worried about everything, especially making proper first impressions to each others parents. The families would be so critical of this 'newcomer' who is a potential 'future' member of the family. The opposite of this is what happened the first time I took you home. It was to meet my family, quite unintentional. And it was never to introduce you as my boyfriend. I was sick because I had an allergy attack and our teacher sent me home. When she asked which of our classmates would accompany me I automatically said your name. Take note that our relationship was a carefully-kept secret at this time and only the two of us knew the real truth.Gently, you helped me into a tricycle and held me close until we arrived at my house, which was just a few minutes away from our school. You must have been so worried for me and at the same time quite nervous about coming to my home. I also imagined that you were undeniably curious about my family and perhaps strangely liked being in a position that made you look good to them. I introduced you as a very good friend that has kindly helped me get home. You even helped cover me up with blankets, gave me a tepid sponge bath and stayed close by my side as I slept. If that didn't win my family that first time, or my mother and grandparents at least, I don't know what will. After five months, when I finally found the courage to confess to my mother about our relationship, I was surprised that she already knew. We were so obvious, she said, and gave her approval. You cannot believe how relieved I was! I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. I guess taking you home wasn't such a big deal after all. You're already at home in my heart. It's only a matter of time before you're in my family's and I in yours, making a permanent yet beautiful dent in each other's lives.

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