Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ghost Tales

15. We both believe in ghosts and the supernatural. Hey, if faith allows God and angels to exist, why not the rest? I haven't actually seen a ghost before, but there were several times in my life that the paranormal has made its presence felt. You, on the other hand, have been scared shitless several times by apparitions. In this blog, I will only mention two instances. The first was unforgettable and it was the one that happened near the chemistry laboratories. It was around 6pm, quite dark already as our afternoon bonding sessions came to an end. I felt like peeing but as soon as I started to use the toilet, I heard your worried voice calling me to come out quickly. After a quick moment I went out and you grabbed my hand dragged me briskly away. When I asked what was wrong, you were quite pale as you told me that there was ghost, that looked like a professor, floating close to the ceiling near the lab, staring horridly directly at you. The hairs on the back of my head stood as you related that to me. I believed you. We never stayed that late there ever again. The second event occurred at my house after you and several of our friends came over to complete a project. As you were going down the outdoor stairs, you saw a white lady, outside of my gate, long hair and all, mysteriously holding a cellphone of all things. (You guessed she was too attached to her phone in real life). Unfortunately, like the other ghost, she was looking menacingly at you. You were so freaked out. Then she disappeared. And you know what, though I know that this is not funny in any way, I would like to tell you that if ever I die, my love for you will live forever. And that means I will probably haunt you, though I'll try my best not to look so frightening. I'll be your personal ghost writing on bathroom walls and whispering love words to you all the time. Yes, darling, laugh. Life is made of these moments- the odd, funny, mysterious and creepy. I'm just so glad we can experience it together. 

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