Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Camping and Ghost Hunting

132. One time, our university had a camping activity on our wide soccer field. Students from all colleges propped up their tents, crowded the restrooms, brought lots of junk food and were in high spirits all throughout the event. We had a little parade to represent the different sections, a program that featured some our most talented dancers, and a few contests that were nothing short of amusing. I was happy to be included in the sports-themed parade though I had to borrow a cute tennis outfit from one of our classmates. After that, you relaxed on my lap in a tent. As much as I had wanted to, we didn't participate in the water balloon fight because you thought it was too much trouble than it was worth. I don't know why but you seemed to be in a downright bad mood and I just didn't understand it at that time. I didn't mind the water balloon fight but when I encouraged you to come participate with the ghost hunting activity, you flatly refused saying no. When I asked why and you told me you didn't want to take part of it because of a particular friend of mine that would be present as well. I rolled my eyes at you because we've been through this before. There was nothing going on between him and I. So you remained in your tent while I stalked off with my friend and the rest of the students to explore our haunted school. I was hoping to see a ghost but except for the hairs standing at the back of my neck and the torrent of students screaming over shadows there was nothing. It was actually quite a let down but we had a great laugh. I remember this camping because it was the first time I've slept with my two girl best friends in a single tent. It was the first time I've had a shower with them. Yes, it was quite a kinky experience I might add. And it was the first time you and I were at a bonfire together though we didn't participate in the candle lighting event. We lay under the stars and exclaimed at how big the universe is and how actually tiny human beings are. We were blessed to even exist. Since we had a rift, our cuddling session was quite short as I retreated irately back to my tent. Thankfully, the next morning we resolved our problems over at breakfast at Jollibee and all was right with the world again.  

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