Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Smoke Scare

128. It wasn't all the time that we were partners or group mates in a project.  I should have kept a closer eye one you in whatever case because when I didn't, I got a shock when we had a viewing of our film projects. I really couldn't remember my project but I remember yours. You played an addict and you were smoking a cigarette like there was no tomorrow. I remember how my eyes went wide and my eyebrows shot up and my eyes darkened in anger as I watched you in that film. How could you do this filthy thing even in a movie? And you were even asthmatic as a child. I dislike smoking immensely especially when my loved ones do it. My father hasn't learned his lesson up until now in spite of the fact grandfather died of lung and throat cancer. I know a number of friends who smoke though they are in the nursing profession and I find it an irony. I only stop short of a well-meaning lecture when it comes to them. But for my boyfriend to smoke,  it is simply unthinkable. What was going through your mind? Couldn't you have not lighted it at least? Was it just some school-boy curiosity you were trying to satisfy? Or was it some strange desire to see how I would react to what you've done? It was only one stick, you said. Yes, one stick, dear but you've risked your life for one little stick. You told me to stop being so hysterical about it because to you it wasn't such a big deal. I made you promise not to smoke again, not for anyone and certainly not in any more projects. You promised and calmed me down enough for me to tell you that I only got angry because I cared for you too much to see you expose yourself to that risk. And after a lecture, that you endured splendidly, we went out to enjoy a little date to absolve you from the scare you gave me. Please don't do it every again I beg you.

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