Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The League

126. In one of our class projects, we made our own version of the league of extraordinary gentlemen at my house. I spearheaded this project to make it easier for everyone. I handled the script, helped with the costumes and chose everyone's roles. I was the movie editor as well and placed some actual scenes from the movie within our film. The only two main things  I asked from everyone was to memorize their lines and show up on filming day. You were part of my group. Actually, our whole barkada was in the group as well and that made things infinitely easier. I played Mina the vampire while you played Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I let you wear my grandfather's dark blue suit and I must say that it really made you look quite nice. There were so many laughable bloopers in the finished product that was thankfully not so apparent to viewers since only those who worked within the film knew. One blooper was when you transformed and you swung the net too much that it hit a group mate across his face. Luckily the camera wasn't focused on him. Another was when we filmed the parking car scene using a toy car and a dollhouse  in lieu of the real thing since none of us could drive yet. The main scene, short as it was, was shot in a non-moving vehicle so I highly wondered if anyone noticed the unchanging scenery. We still attained a high mark for that project to my relief. We celebrated post-filming by taking a lot of pictures in our costumes and I remember it was so much fun. Now, every time I watch that little film we did I could not help but feel a little wistful. We were so young and amateurish but it was worth it because it was so downright amazing to have worked with such wonderful people.

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