Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Count the Clicks

80. Just between the two of us, we had a private game that we sometimes played when we were out during dates. Something like an ego booster for the both of us. We called it the clicking game, derived I think from one Axe commercial. I would dress my prettiest for our date, then arm linked, we'd go around the mall and in a whisper, count all the glances, second glances,  and stares the opposite sex would give me. As we'd smile at each other, giggle, and talk brightly and laugh, as  if nothing else in the world existed but us two, we'd nonchalantly mark each stare as a click. Click, click, click. I think my record for a day was around 80- something clicks. Eyebrows raised, you smiled cunningly as one guy, gave me second once over,  although he obviously had his own girlfriend wrapped around him. Sorry dude, you whispered to me though addressing him, she's already taken; she's mine; too bad for you. It's a nice feeling to be noticed and appreciated. But I must say, it's a nicer feeling to actually feel your possessiveness up close. On your part, you felt proud that such a girl was on your arm and happy at how envious other men were getting. Prouder still at the fact that I chose you out of all of them. See? Ego- booster for the both of us. Let's play it again sometime, shall we?  

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