Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


101. Mothers, by nature, are nurturing, caring and protective creatures but does it hold true for all? This kind of thinking leads me to think if I'll be any good as a mother. Certainly, I've had a great rolemodel in my own. In fact, there is no other woman whom I admire more though she could do with more cooking and organizing skills. But it's alright because she does everything out of love. And she's an expert juggler at responsibilities. And there's no greater lesson I've learned from her than self- sacrifice. Your mother is also a branch from the same tree. There's no one I know who's as loving and as involved in her own children's lives. I know it must not have been so easy raising four boys but she's made it all work out and she's very kind to me too. There's somehow a great hesitation in me, owing to the fact that I am far too young and unprepared to have children of my own. I have pet dogs whom I love as my own children but that is far different. In my opinion, one cannot compare the feeling one has of holding the fruit of their own loins, in one's arms for the first time. Perhaps it's all the bodily chemicals just acting up. In any case, you love your children and will do anything for them and will do anything to keep them safe and provided for. That's simply how parents are. I had a dream once that we had two children. One boy and one girl, and I felt enormously contented as the home we had set out to make was complete. Strange as it was, everything just fellinto place. Maybe I shouldn't worry so much about being a good mother, there's no reason I shouldnt be after all. And I always have dependable you to lean on. Not to mention two very experienced mothers to give advice on both sides. In addition to that, we are both nurses so caring for children should be second nature to us by then. I have to say though that it's far to early for me to even thinking this way but it's good to be prepared. 

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