Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Ring

100. It's the 100th entry already and it seems like only yesterday that I've started this blog. There were little delays due to technical and connection problems and the very lack of inspiration that I am battling every day. Sometimes digging in my brain cells is challenging so I've reserved this special entry in advance for the time I gave you a very special surprise. When my father just out of the blue gave me some money to spend to whatever I fancied, I opted with all my heart to buy you a special ring, my 'engagement' ring to you, the very same you've been wearing up to now. It frustrated me that for all the love, joys and companionship you've given me and the opal ring you've given, I had not given you anything in return to show you how much I loved you back. It may have been impulsive of me, but I felt dead set on getting you an expensive ring to show you just how much you mean to me. I am serious about you and there is nothing more serious than a silver ring, studded with zirconiums in an elegant but sturdy design somehow akin to an infinity symbol especially when paired. And although sometimes I tell you that it is unfair that you are so experienced with relationships, I find it comforting that I've chosen the right person the first time around. It saved a lot of heartbreak. This much I know is true, commitment has many forms and as young as I was then, I knew it would take more than a ring to show it. After I bought the ring, I kept looking at it in anticipation inside its little light blue box. I smiled as I went over and over in my head how to give it to you. As the sun was setting one afternoon after our classes were over for the day, I talked you into coming to the school chapel with me to pray. After we prayed, we sat quietly together and I pulled out the letter that I printed out the night before and gave it for you to read. I wanted to be sure that you understood me properly, and I couldn't let my being too emotional get in the way thus the typed letter. After you read it, our eyes locked and I saw tears in your eyes and I couldn't help but let my own be filled. 'I love you', I said and pulled out the box and asked you to marry me. 'Of course I will', you replied. I inserted the ring into your finger and it fit perfectly to my relief. 'So this is what you were up to, the past few days. I was waiting for a surprise.' you whispered lovingly as you enveloped me in an embrace.'Really, you shouldn't have. I already know how much you love me.' Then suddenly your face fell as you let me go. 'It must have been expensive. How much did it cost?'  I chuckled and told you that I wasn't telling you no matter how much you pleaded. It was just like you to break the moment by asking for the cost of things. How typically Capricorn. Although you protested by saying that this ring made the opal ring you gave me pale in comparison, I convinced you that it didn't matter and that the important thing was that you now had a constant reminder of my love for you. You'll never be alone. No matter how awful things between us could get, this is a physical testament of love that binds us far greater than anything can. We held hands as we walked out of the chapel, our hearts aflame and rings intact, closer than ever, knowing that we're part of a grander plan that someday, somehow will find fulfillment. We couldn't have been happier. The princess has found her prince. 

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