Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Puppy Love

104. In all my years, I've never had my own dog before. I don't really count the German Shepherd that bit you in the butt since he technically belonged to my father. That is why I was so very happy that when my mother's friend's found out about how we were looking for a dog, she offered to give us one of the puppies of her dog. I had just gotten home from school and there in a box was the cutest, furriest black little face you've ever seen. I named her Bella, after the twilight girl for no other reason but that I thought she was beautiful though she was only a mixed breed. She couldn't see or walk well but she was such a noisy little thing with her adorable squeeks. When I showed her to you thought she was a boy. But you checked and was surprised to find that he was actually a she. You agreed that she was a beauty but your face twisted into a grimace when you observed that she had so many ticks and fleas. I didn't even notice them but when I came for a closer inspection I was truly grossed out by the crawling vampires sucking the life out of my new puppy. You told me not to worry about her and began to remove the ticks one by one and killing them using a stone in the garden. Of course I couldn't get them all on that day. The worst part was on her paws and ears. It was actually several weeks that I could claim that she was mostly tick- free thanks to a doggie shampoo. That first night I kept her in the living room in her box but some family members couldn't sleep due to her whining so I was forced to keep her in my room. I woke up many times just to pacify her. Feeding her too was a challenge since she didn't like the dropper, so I let her lick from my fingers until she got used to licking from a bowl. I remember fondly how we liked to tickle the special spot on her stomach, which caused her leg to furiously kick in response. It was hilarious and we loved her. Somehow it was like I was the mother and you were the father because we cared so much for this living creature. Her favorite spot in the entire house would be the bathroom because she liked how the tiles were cool. Tailwagging she would emerge there excitedly when we arrived home from school and jump on us. The joys of having a pet. She would be joined by another puppy a year leater a half-breed of Daschund and Dalmatian. Another joy to have around. When we talk about our future, there would always be pets in it, a Siberian Husky for you while I'm contended with a smaller sized dog. Just imagine, a nice home filled with laughter and barking. Doesn't that give you a fuzzy feeling inside? That's just what puppy love is about.

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