Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Disaster in the Kitchen

57. I wasn't joking when I said that I was bad in the kitchen. I mean, I'm a quick learner and everything but if you would leave me alone for even just one minute, I'd be at an absolute loss. And that is exactly what happened when you attempted to teach me how to cook golden crispy fried shrimp. Instead of going out we decided to stay in for the day, a home movie and a meal shared with my family. You brought some fresh shrimp for all to enjoy from the early morning catch from your family's business. When you explained to me how to make it, it sounded simple enough. Eggs, cornstarch, seasonings, fry. You turned your head just for a minute and suddenly half of the shrimp was lost at my hands. The problem was the mixing part of it- instead of it being coated, it turned into one disgusting blob of sticky goop. I tried to fry a tiny part of it but it tasted horrible, a little bit raw even thus inedible. I have to thank you for salvaging most of it since you're more adept than I in the kitchen. All the while you were laughing hysterically at me and blaming me jokingly.  What happened? I thought you understood my instructions? It's amazing how you turned the simplest of meals  so  inedible. I dare you to eat that. Never letting me hear the end of it. Nevertheless, lunch was served and everyone enjoyed your fried shrimp. I drank my anti-allergy and enjoyed it too, regardless of the kitchen incident. I guess I could count myself lucky for having a boyfriend who knows his way around of the kitchen and for staying blessedly silent about my little incident to my parents. I knew I had a long way to go in the cooking department. However, darling, I have to complement you on that shrimp, it was so delicious that simply writing about it is making my mouth water. Let's have some again sometime? I'll get it right this time, I promise.

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