Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Tale of A Proposal

73. There are moments in life that are worth reliving again and again. And if only I could turn back the hands of time to relive this one special day in my life, I would give almost anything. I wish I could tell it better but I'd like to remember it like a fairytale. Once upon a time, there was a little girl wishing for a handsome prince to whisk her away from the troubles of this world to get her happily ever after. She waited and waited, in her lonely high tower and no one came. Disappointed though she was, she slept peacefully in her beautiful soft bed and in her mind's eye she saw, or perhaps created, the man she would give her heart too. He wasn't perfect but he wasn't real either but she believed that she'll truly meet him one day. She grew up and the tower could no longer hold her. She left for another land, to learn what she could to start on her path as a healer. She wanted to help a lot of people and she wanted to be the best. Then fate stepped in and she met her prince. He was everything she dreamed but he was flesh and blood and his heart was good and true. A stolen kiss bid them down a rugged though interesting pathway. In spite the many ups and downs of that road, for the first time, this girl knew true happiness. One day, together they went to a chapel for the girl had to borrow a musical instrument there since she had been tasked by a teacher to demonstrate her special talent. As they were leaving, the prince pulled the girl back. She was shocked as he went down on one knee, in front of that all-seeing altar, took out a ring from his pocket and asked her to marry him. The happiness in her heart could not be contained, thus flowed out of her eyes as tears. And she said yes to him and wore his simple silver band with opals on her finger with pride. As she played and sang that afternoon, her eyes danced, her heart sang, and a secret smile was upon her lips. Since they were both young and had to wait but they were prepared to undergo the long engagement. What were a few years to eternity? But for now, there could not be a more perfect day for her for she loved and was loved in return. This was her happily ever after in the making. And the prince was by her side as she entered the realm called adulthood.

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