Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fun in the Dark

50. I hate black outs don't you? Multiple groans would go sounding around our house, people would be scrambling for candles, flashlights and endure the heat and the boredom. Not to mention the children shivering, afraid of the dark and of being alone in it. It's the same thing that happens at school. Save for the few black outs that actually warrant class dismissal, black outs are quite unwelcome since they turn our classrooms into ovens. Truly not a conducive atmosphere for learning. There was one black out that I remember fondly though. Yes, I know you're thinking of it too with great fondness. After talking with you behind our laboratories, we really wanted to kiss each other but it being a public place wasn't so appropriate. We wished there would be a black out but nothing happened. Then you proceeded to take me home. As we were passing behind the libraries, everything suddenly became pitch black. And we did the only thing we were thinking of that moment. Torrid kissing. My, oh, my was it exciting kissing in the dark. Feverish as we knew we only had a few seconds to spare before the generators kick in. Then we stopped and just held each other. The lights came on. It was shockingly great timing and we couldn't stop giggling all the way home. Now every time that there's a black out I remember that moment and muse over how risky though fun it was. There are really times wherein I'm afraid that we'd let our self-control go out the window but we'd hold back just in time. It is an exquisite pleasure to have someone want you as much as you want them. 

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