Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Drinking Session

47. At the beginning of college, I can truthfully say that I don't drink. In fact, I haven't tried drinking though I was quite curious about it. My first experience in drinking was at our second year in college at a victory party for our science follies. We, our teacher and classmates, went to a place called people's village to celebrate. I warned you that I had very low tolerance for alcohol, since I don't drink it. You promised to look out for me. You, on the other hand, were no stranger to drinking and had developed a higher tolerance for it. Our class advisor treated us to a large pizza to go along with our drinks. My first taste of beer was alright though I hated the bitter aftertaste it left. After an hour or so, beers and shots of rum were floating all around. I was just finishing mine and was laughing at our teacher who was  already hit so much that he kept tossing ice cubes at my male classmates, including you. Everyone was happy and festive, drunk on victory, and I was getting a bit dizzy as the room began to move. You asked me if I was alright and I nodded yes. So, this is what it means to be tipsy, I thought. Such a strange feeling, I reached for another bottle. It was only my second. How many bottles of beer did you drink? I'm sure it was significantly more than mine. Yet as I was halfway through my second, you declared that I should stop now and that you were going to take me home already. I refused since my drink wasn't even finished yet although I confessed to feeling a tad bit ill. After getting annoyed at your prodding I agreed and bode everyone farewell. As we were walking down the sidewalk, my body suddenly felt so heavy and I felt so sleepy that I collapsed right there at the street! You gasped, swore, and helped me up and practically dragged me to a waiting taxi. In the car, I slept peacefully on your lap, half-laughing, you were so warm. You laughed and told me you weren't going to let me forget this ever. At the gate of my house, you shook me till I came to my senses and kissed me goodnight after telling me to act normally else my parents would notice that I was partially drunk. I nodded and thanked you profusely and apologized for my behavior because I should have stopped when you told me to. The first thing I did upon getting inside my house was to brush my teeth and drink a lot of water before I greeted my parents. I went straight to bed. Strangely, it was a most peaceful sleep though when I woke up I had a splitting headache. 

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