Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Uniforms

70. One week before our very first duty at a hospital, we were asked by our clinical instructors to bring our complete duty uniforms for final checking. I had worn my uniform just the night before, and it fitted me perfectly. Basically it consisted of a white dress and a white apron, white stockings and white shoes while for the boys, just a plain white polo shirt with white undershirt and white pants. All white. As usual, I was excited to see you wear something new and wasn’t disappointed in the least. It suited you to the tee and just made me giggle at how good you looked. The class was quite noisy. Some classmates were getting ready, some were fixing their hair, and some were getting looked over by instructors, while some were animatedly taking pictures as a remembrance. I didn’t feel like a real nurse yet though, and you felt the same way I did. But suddenly you told me I looked beautiful in the new uniform and it really suited me nicely. I blushed and gave my thanks and complimented you as well. It was hard to believe that this was the path we’re both treading. This little footpath was made up of knowledge, skills and attitudes aimed to develop a person, a professional nurse, fully equipped to deliver tender love and care to patients. As we wore that uniform for the first time, I saw us both blend into a sea of white, a family wearing white. There were so many of us on this medically- oriented road that it was just impossible to feel alone. Most importantly, I was glad you were with me. No matter the problems I will have to undergo in this profession, I knew you would understand like no one else and care about all the intricacies we will be exposed to. Only a nurse can fully comprehend another nurse. Certainly, it will be amazing to have two accomplished nurses in our future family. I thanked the Lord once again for giving me this blessing and prayed for guidance as I learn and grow in this path I’m on that one day I will be the best nurse I can be. Not only for both our sakes, but for the world as well. 

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