Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Walking Alone

58. Remember the good old days when chivalry was alive and knights or gentlemen escorted women everywhere they went to win their favors? Well, it's nice to see that some guys still retain that kind of thinking, you certainly did, in the beginning at least. I remember before we became an item, how we said our goodbyes those first few days. After our farewells, I would walk on my own, a few blocks, to the spot where jeeps and tricycles frequented to pick up passengers. I didn't mind the walk as it gave me some alone time to think, but you certainly did. In fact, as I was walking, you chased me down and accompanied me saying that you couldn't bear to see a girl walking on the street alone. A miracle. Chivalry was still alive. Then we talked for awhile. You were too engrossed in what you were saying, you didn't notice me already boarding a passing tricycle. You turned and was shocked to find that you were talking to no one. Then you saw me waving and shouting at you goodbye, half laughing at you, as the tricycle drove away. I'm sorry that I left you in that state; you were probably half-mad at how stupid you looked, talking to yourself like that. I was actually surprised that you didn't notice me leaving. You were probably mentally hitting yourself for not making your predetermined little moves on me a little earlier. We always have a blast reliving this memory. I wouldn't mind having a knight walk me home every now and then.    

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