Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Summer Splash

67. It was a usual thing for our school to throw a summer splash event for the summer. It was an event, obviously held during the summer, allowing the different courses in our university to come together for one day for exciting activities organized by the school government, allowing us all to bond amid our hectic schedules. It was fortunate that during our first and second years we could attend because we didn't have duties yet. I personally could say that I enjoyed this first one the most because it was held at the beach. I do love the beach, and having everyone there, especially you, made it simply perfect. Though we were a bit crowded in our hut it was alright because it was such a sunny day anyway. We placed the food at the center of the hut, placed blankets outside and picnicked. We feasted on barbiques, chicken, watermelon, green mangoes and 'ginamus'. There was a band and later on, a paintball fight. For the first time, I swam together with you in the sea. Of course, conservative as we are, we kept our clothes on, though I had a swimsuit underneath, as is appropriate. Everyone did the same. The water was quite murky and salty but it was cool and the waves were just right. A group of us got into a splashing fight and boys, including you, lifted some girls, including me, on their shoulders and threw them playfully in the sea amidst terrified screams of delight. You even did somersaults and I surprised you underneath the water and tickled your legs. Though I'm not the best swimmer, I am a decent one who fancied herself a mermaid when she was a child, as all girls usually did. You were a good swimmer and you cut through the water like a dolphin, probably because you lived all your life near the sea and made a living off it. In laughter, we buried a classmate in the sand and made sand castles or holes. A friend bought a guitar and played songs with it. When we were done frolicking, we both went back to the hut. I urged you to take a nap, I even offered you a massage, which you took. As I kneaded your skin, you were so comfortable that you even dozed off. I wandered off outside the hut, to have my fortune told by a good friend who had brought her deck of cards. It was an ordinary deck, and she having been taught by her grandmother, had a talent in telling people the truth about their present relationships. She told me to cut the deck several times while concentrating about you. Then she shuffled it again then separated it by counting, parted and setting them aside, until there were only four cards left facing down. She opened them one by one. Every one of it was an ace. Everyone was shocked, including me. She smiled and laughed and I did too. She told me it was such a rarity to have pulled all four aces and in such perfect order. She told me, eyes shining, that though my relationship with you wasn't perfect, it was close to it. There was a concern about financial matters, but with regards to the heart, there was nothing more truer and stronger in all the world. You could be soul mates, she declared. I couldn't believe it, I felt a rush of cold. Really? I asked you to let me shuffle and cut them again just to be certain. And good heavens, all aces, in the same order came out again. It really boggles my mind until now. It was amazing. It was the ultimate highlight of that perfect day. I felt warm and secure and very happy as I told you about it. As we went home all tired, I couldn't stop thinking about those four aces and of you. We made it so because we chose to be happy, chose to be together in spite the odds. I daresay the magic of that was what pulled those four cards out of the deck. I don't think the result could be any different no matter how many times I cut that deck because as long as I live and breathe, I will feel for you the same thing and you as well.      

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