Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Golden Wedding

75. My grandparents had their golden wedding anniversary some years ago; celebrating a momentous 50 years together. It was amazing and everyone had to wear beautiful gowns and dresses. I was a bridesmaid for the very first time. And you bore witness to it, watching me lovingly from afar. One of our many firsts. The chapel at our University was decked in yellow and gold, and the reception at a well- known inn was equally marvelous. I find weddings, the greatest of all celebrations because they talk of the great love that two people, a man and woman, share. And I can't help but wish that my very own would be just as exquisite, filled with love, beauty and family and for us both to reach our very own golden wedding. It's more than just a special day, it would be a milestone for both our lives. At the reception, so many of my family had gathered and after the toasts and the speeches, some of my cousins, siblings and I even performed some dance numbers. I remember how one of my cousins remarked how slim I now was, and how radiant I looked. I wanted to tell him it was because I was in love. I was allowed to bring some of my own guests for the event, but only three male friends were in attendance, you included. During this time, I was a tad engrossed with taking a picture of us together, and that you were seen in the video coverage. I couldn't take my eyes off you. and  I knew you couldn't take your eyes off me either. It was heartwarming to see you starting to become involved with my family. As usual, you were so hesitant to dance with me, but after much prodding from me and from one of my relatives, who struck me as a gay dance instructor, you eventually danced with me to my absolute delight. We ate and danced, and had a wonderful time. I tell myself that I am lucky to have grandparents who adore one another even after fifty years. The fact that they lasted so long for all this time, inspired me. I wish that we could be together just as long or more, and for us to have such lasting love such as theirs.

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