Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Haircut

52. One of the things you liked looking at a girl was her long hair. You thought it was quite beautiful and made a girl look more feminine and alluring. At the beginning, it was probably one of the things you liked about me. Aside from my personality, naivety and decent good looks that is. You have no idea how much maintenance goes into long hair and if one doesn't treat it just right, it goes all frizzy, curly, tangled and splits ends. I do agree that one of the perks of having long beautiful locks is how versatile your hairstyles could be. If my hair wasn't swept in a bun since it was required during duty or lab days in the past, my hair would be in a simple half pony tail. One day, we got into a quarrel though I don't remember what it was about and decided to take it out on my hair. I thought it was far too long and troublesome anyway. Goodbye, I told it, you'd grow back in some months anyway. The stylists scissors cut my waist- length hair into a short shoulder length, layered style. I actually had a momentary panic when I first saw it because he had cut it far shorter than I had instructed him to but I consoled myself since there was nothing I could do. The next day I wore it with pride to school. There were a lot of gasps and mixed reactions. Many liked the new do, but some preferred my long hair and told me that it was such a shame I chopped it off. Some even asked if we broke up, since there was a belief that women chopped their hair as a symbol of letting go of the hurt of a broken heart and of an ended flame. I was hoping to get a reaction from you but you were just staring at me, perhaps a little bit shocked. Then you grinned and something came into your eye. A mischievous spark. You loved my hair. You told me I looked beautiful, sophisticated and mature in a great way. I flushed and gave my thanks. When you asked if I did it because we fought, I denied it and just told you that I was planning to get this cut weeks before which was also true. Perhaps I will grow my hair out again and resist the urge to cut it.  But short hair, long hair, it just doesn't matter to you does it? You still look at me the same way, with love, pleasure and acceptance and that's the most important thing to consider when getting a haircut. 

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