Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gaming Warfare

23. For any conflict that we've run into there were only four outcomes. One, I win and you apologize and do whatever the hell it is that I want or agree to some of the things I say. Two, you win and win me over with whatever it is you want by brainwashing me with your charm, wit and sneaky way of twisting the things I say until even I think they're wrong and you're the only one who's right. Three, we ignore one another until one concedes defeat. And lastly, four, we compromise and we both win to some extent. Well, number four is exactly what happened with your gaming problems. I finally had enough of you making me wait while you went off galavanting in your magical world of dot.a and such. Enough of falling asleep at your back or waiting alone outside while your played. Two can play at your game. And I thought, I was pretty good at some of the characters and our male friends actually enjoyed my company. I explored my love of games, and was hooked at two. A game called audition, wherein you typed the correct arrows to make your character dance and perfect world, a game involving creating your own magical avatar and going on adventures. It was actually the one game were we were hooked for so long because our relationship actually continued within the game. As I began to spend time with you on the internet, it became apparent to me that I rarely got angry at you playing games now that I understood and was involved in them. Maybe it was because I released my inner child or maybe because I found that there was simply nothing to be jealous about. The notion that computer games could replace me in your life was just ridiculous. Or maybe my desire for more attention from you was fulfilled somewhat. Either way, I was now more secure now with your love more than ever and my waiting time grew significantly less.

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