Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


17. Auras, to my understanding, are the energies of people that surround them like halos. And though I am far from psychic, I can sometimes see the auras of people or things around me especially  during daytime. One time I was taken aback by a beautiful morning glory in our garden, it's white aura was so bright that it appeared almost glowing to me. It was simply so pure that it shone through. With people, it's more complicated. Sometimes, there would be two or three colors at a time, depending on their mood or health. I was always wondering why when I would watch you from afar, you would often sport a bluish- brownish aura, while I usually had a gold- red one. When we're together, it completely changes into something different, something bright. It's so interesting. I read somewhere that lovers shared auras. Is that why when others look at us, they comment how great we look together or how similar we look to each other? People would always say that. Then they would go on and remark at how beautiful our future children must look, which always leaves me uncomfortable. The many days we've spent together have allowed us, strangely, to be blended into this single entity with same auras, same ideals and same goals in life. Don't get me wrong, I love being with you and spinning dreams out of thin air about our highly possible future together as a married couple. And I love the sense of security it brings. However, I believe that it is important that we don't forget ourselves, how before we came into this relationship, we were free individuals with our own plans and hopes. I don't ever want you to sacrifice your personal dreams for me. I don't expect you to. And I don't want you to change either, be just as you are- the man that is so different from me, the man I love and adore, one who completes me and is completely unique, the man I am continuing to fall in love with... whatever your aura is. 

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