Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

He Gave Me You

25. I had dreamed about Lance most of my high school life. I knew from my dreams that he would be my soul mate and I had to give up some of my other dreams to be with him. He was worth it. Never a dull moment. And he was embodied into a human form, you. He wasn't perfect but he was kind and had a lot of love to give though he was temperamental and possessive. Lance  and Stan are one and the same to me. Lance. Stan. Even your names sound the same. Now, don't get me wrong. I definitely can differentiate dreams from reality. And in this life, there is nothing that I want more than to be with you forever. And that forever is my new dream now. It was a pleasant surprise how little things in my dreams would become real. Like our dance. Like how I came down the stairs and you complemented me. Your warm hand. When you whisper I love you. The silver ring. Your rage. Your kiss. The second chance you gave me. Those things from my dreams became real, did you know that? Not exactly, but almost. Strange as they are, they were little premonitions of things that would happen and they did. If I told you right now I dreamed of our wedding day, and our future family, would you be happy? Because I most definitely am. You told me once that you've dreamed about me too when you were in high school. But just once. There was a girl you were talking to in the darkness. Then the bright lamppost lit up behind her and you could see her silhouette, and you could tell she was smiling. When it happened in real life you were so shocked. Deja vu. So that was you, you said repeatedly, it was you, how can that be possible from a dream?! But can't you see my love? It's simply in God's plan that we would meet and go through all the things we did. Somehow, he heard my prayer and gave me you. For all the things I lack and all the things I need to learn in this life, He sent me you. And that's the truth of it. And though I know at times I am so damn guilty of questioning it again and again, it would always come back to that. He gave me you to show me that He loves me and cares, to test me, to uplift me, to teach me to love, to make myself a better human being, to show me that there is a God in this world. And that I'm never ever truly alone in this world. That we both will never ever be truly alone. And I know in my heart that that is the only truth He wants us to find out. 

"To love another person is to see the face of God."-- quote from Les Miserables

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