Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Breaking the Rules

32. Coming from an all-girls catholic high school, you could say that I've lived with rules every day of my life. I was made into this good, intelligent, conservative, sweet girl that could do no wrong. Well, that is, until I met you. You, who I have only known for one week, caused me to go to the discipline officer's office, forever marring my perfect record. Imagine that. One week of being in college. What was the offense? You wanted us to get out of the school faster, so instead of using the normal gate, you, tugging me along, went out the exit gate for cars, which was closer. We were already far off when the guard caught up to us and confiscated our IDs and told us simply to go to the d.o.'s office. Honestly, the blood drained off of my face because I had never incurred even a minor offense in my life. In contrast, you were so calm, cool and collected, it was annoying. The d.o. angrily lectured us and told us to write an apology letter and let us off with a warning. He gave us back our IDs thankfully. I did not like displeasing authority figures, much less breaking any sort of rule, so with my eyes watering from embarrassment after many apologies, we went to class. I told you it was all your fault. And you told me it was and you said sorry to me though you weren't aware of that rule either and it was also my fault for following you willingly. To you it may not have been such a big deal, but to me it was. The perfectionist in me simply would not allow it. I had no idea that the romantic in me had other plans and that in a couple of weeks from that moment, I would be breaking one of the biggest rules of all-- by falling for you. You are a bad influence.

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