Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Moment I Saw You Cry

29. Most men think that crying is a physical manifestation of weakness. Growing up with such a caveman mentality, the definition of strength either came from brute strength or power stemming from influence, money or both thus furthering true strength into the realm of ambiguity. But not all men believe this, thankfully. Some men are actually such softies on the inside, once the hard exterior is broken into. And you are one of them. This was evident the moment I saw you cry. Remember the movies "if only" and "the notebook"? Two hardcore dramas that I've convinced you to watch with me. It wasn't much of a surprise to us both that I've started crying at the middle till the end of these movies. But you surprised me by crying, nay, bawling with me at the end of 'if only' when one of the main characters died. A lover, giving his life for the other. You couldn't bear the thought of losing me in that manner. And I abhorred the thought of you dying and leaving me and our dreams together unmade, never to come true. We cried in each others arms. Such emotions those movies caused! They were just so damn sad and struck such emotional cords in us both. I must say though that I was very much honored about how you were so emotionally secure in our relationship that you found no shame in showing your true self to me. And don't ever think that it's a show of weakness. Those tears were a testament of your great, generous heart and your humanity. It formed a bond of trust between us and I believe it has made us both stronger. It is ironic though, you've placed yourself the most vulnerable to the one person who can hurt you the most. We both have. And it's a risk I am glad to take. And I do believe that that is a show of true strength, don't you?

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