Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

An Ordinary Day

44. Not all days are filled with fun and the excitement of a whirlwind romance. There are days which are made up of simple, ordinary experiences, some dull and habitual, that are indeed a welcome break from all the heart-thumping, adrenaline- stimulating, drama-filled events that fill our lives with color and interest. God forbid that we have too much emotional trauma that we exhibit signs of early death in our youth. During our college days, there were frankly so many ordinary days that they were too many to count. I'd wake up every morning, excited for the day ahead, filled with regular classes and you. Waking up became so much easier now that I had something to look forward to. I'd take a shower, eat and get dressed and commute to school. Cheerfully, I'd walk the hallowed halls of our university and greet friends good morning. The moment I entered my classroom, I'd automatically search for you. It was either I'd get excited if you were there or disappointed if you hadn't arrived yet. You were habitually late because you lived so far away.  I'd catch up with my other friends awhile or reviewed my notes. Classes would start on a high note. Lecture, discussion and some time in the laboratory. Talented and dedicated educators were much appreciated for making classes interesting. Boring teachers, however, who lacked creativity and enthusiasm were so monotonous that some of our classmates dozed off or pretended to listen. There would be some tests and we'd do well on them as expected from the star section. Then we had much coveted break hours. Some lasted for thirty minutes while some lasted for two hours. These were spent eating, reading, joking around, making last-minute homework or projects, sleeping some more or wishing that the next teacher was absent so we could have a free day. Our classmates lived for those hours because it seemed like we were like one big family. I personally relished simply the time I spent with you, they were a comfort to say the least. There were no quarrels, no arguments and definitely no barriers. After a day like this one, filled with much learning and bonding, we'd usually eat, play computer or you'd simply take me home. There would be a goodbye kiss. At night we'd text each other while we went on with our separate lives with our families. I'd know a little more about you each day. Before I'd close my eyes, I would give a prayer of thanks. Each ordinary day was like a pulse with a steady rhythm. It's important for me to share this because though at times, I am undeniably the kind of person who is drawn to drama, I want you to know that the happiness I feel on ordinary days is just as important to me as those on extraordinarily exciting,  emotionally- driven, milestone days. And I love you just the same. I imagine in the future, if ever we do build our lives together as partners, there will be many of those ordinary days. I do believe that when we fill those ordinary days with love, kindness and laughter, that in the end we'd have a strong foundation and a much stronger future together. It all just adds up. That's the beauty of ordinary days.

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