Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Chemistry Test

22. I am not so good at chemistry and in my whole life there was only one test I've experienced a mind-blank and it was on this particular subject. I am a straight-A student, and I push myself into making reviewers and studying during my free time to keep my grades high up. However, the combination of math and science, coupled with a boring, monotonous teacher, really prevented me from understanding the topic. If I can remember correctly it was about attaching molecules or was it atoms? Anyhow, I went blank on a test. And you, since science and math is your forte, were the first to finish the test. In triumph you looked over to me and became concerned, as I had not written anything on my paper. I was panicking in my seat, and I looked at you, almost crying. This never happens to me. I am ashamed to say that perhaps because of your desire to help me, you gave me two of the answers as you passed by my seat. I was shameless to take it. I was horrified at myself. I got a 2 out of 20. When this happened, we were just friends, not yet a couple. After class I went to a secluded area and cried, you comforted me and even offered to tutor me. You were kind and sweet. And you kept your word, you taught me, and for the life of me, I couldn't believe I had experienced that mind-blank when the topic was fairly understandable. Before I went home I kissed you on the cheek and gave my thanks. As you walked away, you didn't know I was still watching you. I saw you do a yes move, with your hands in the air, and I knew for certain that you were into me. Just because of that failed chemistry test.

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