Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Scent of You

 43. People can't help but turn their heads toward a person with a very alluring perfume.  This topic calls to mind one of my beloved teachers in high school. Though it was a well known fact that he was gay, girls went gaga when he passed in the hallway; their noses, including mine, literally followed the trail of scent he was leaving behind. I know that the sense of smell is very powerful, it can evoke so many memories including those that we have long forgotten. I guess, that was what I was thinking when I asked you for a little bit of your perfume- Coolwater on my handkerchief to be stored inside my closet in a plastic bag. I wanted to remember you and your delectable smell that exuded a lot of masculine confidence and sex appeal.  It was a little expensive so you only wore it on dates and other special occasions. I can't count the times wherein I felt my knees go weak and shaky when you were beside me and purposefully shook your shirt and let your perfume as well as your unique bodily scent engulf me, knowing full well how I would react. That was probably the main trigger for my bordering-on-the-obsessive-hanky-saving instinct. Nevertheless, another one of your sneaky methods worked and you're in my thoughts every single time I smell that scent. Even worn by other men, I would immediately look for you like a blood hound even up to now. 

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