Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Course Troubles

20. Honestly speaking, six years ago, we were both forced by our parents to go into Nursing, which was a popular college course during that time. I wanted to take psychology however my parents were unwilling to let me go down that road. Needless to say, I let them push me down the Nursing path because I wanted to please them though I was so unsure. Your situation was similar though more intense. You wanted to be an engineer, a clear-cut male-dominated profession. I realize that prior to meeting me, that was your biggest heartbreak, not being able to live your dream, and you even had a scholarship at that. Yet your parents pressured you to take nursing, no, pressured is too soft a word. Coerced is a better word. You simply didn't have a choice. With that negative start, it surely explained a lot why when I first met you, it seemed that you always had a dark cloud around your head. So in the end, we both did what our parents wanted. It was lucky that we are both adaptive people that we ended up loving our course in spite of the negative beginning. It was more than how interesting nursing is, and how pleasant it was to be with our classmates who were so invigorating. It was you. And it was me. It was us. You told me once that I was like a ray of sunshine to your life. And how you'd never survive nursing without me, with all the studying we did together. We'll I'd like to tell you that you were the spark I needed to shine my very best in nursing. And how I think that I depended on you, just as you depended on me. You were like my knight; and no one dared to mess with me with you around. I never experienced any sort of maltreatment or bullying. Unlike in high school. You unknowingly made me stand out, and you helped give me a voice and build my confidence. So thank you. My diploma, my awards, my success, belong to you, as much as they belong to me.

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