Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Watching From Afar

34. Isn't it an unspoken rule upon breaking up, never to act intimately with one's ex ever again? More so especially when you have a new girlfriend. Forget it, it's impossible to remain friends with one's ex with all the pain and heartache that you can remember. Then again, that wasn't the case with you and her. Yes, her. That one. The one that always causes me to raise an eyebrow, cause my body to stiffen and my facial expressions to become plastic somehow with forced friendliness. I can almost feel that feline instinct like I'm about to pounce on her quivering underneath my skin. That was exactly how I felt when she approached me one day in front of the coliseum. Surprised at her presence, I said hello. She looked distressed and looked like she was about to cry. She asked me where you were and I pointed her over to you across the lobby. She immediately run over to you and hugged you in front of me, bursting into tears. I watched you both from across the room uncomfortably. I didn't like the way she was clutching you, nor the way you were holding her and whispering soothing words to her. I actually felt some shock. Our eyes met, and I heard you say 'were just going to talk somewhere, I'll be back soon'. Great, I thought, she stole my boyfriend away right before my very eyes using her feminine wiles. She had no delicacy whatsoever. I really had no idea what came over me when I decided to follow you. I even brought one of my close friends along with my spying. Hiding behind a large tree, I watched you both intently as you were talking on a bench near the chapel. I felt the rage building up. My close friend, half-laughing at the whole situation, told me I was crazy and that we were both acting like a pair of stalkers. Embarrassed, I told her she could leave and she did and told me good luck as I continued to spy on you. No doubt I too had that possessive streak in me as well, and I didn't like my personal space, you, being trespassed by other women, especially by one of your exes. After that whole fiasco, and that other girl left, the first thing you asked me was 'Were you watching us while we were talking? I practically felt your stare burning at the back of my head.'  Sulking, I said yes and you proceeded to tell me that nothing happened and that she only wanted some advice since she recently broke up with her boyfriend, which incidentally was your best friend as well. I didn't understand why she had to come to you. Why of all people she could have sought help from, why you? You told me, in spite of your past relationship together, you were still good friends. Is that even possible?! And you even broke up horribly. However, I did feel better after you had explained yourself and laughed the whole thing off especially the spying part of it. In fact, you couldn't stop laughing your head off at me, you enjoyed it immensely to my dismay. I realized that this must be how you must have felt when I talk to my male friends and understood you a little better. I think I just got a dose of my own medicine.

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