Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My First Flowers

26. The first time someone ever gave me something for valentines day was you. And though I tried to get into the 'no, there is nothing more I could need but your love' mindset. It was still quite heart-warming how when I went out of the class, you were purposefully late and you were there in the doorway and triumphantly presented me with three red long-stemmed roses. So romantic I could swoon! No boy had ever given me flowers before and I was giddy. Gifts used to be such a touchy issue  for me because I got it into my head due to my parents that I shouldn't receive any from boys because they would always expect something in return. I received an expensive perfume from a boy once in high school and my mother forced me to return it. Though at that time I was so  disappointed I rationalized that since students usually bought gifts using their allowance so essentially it was the parents' money that was being used to buy something for his/her girlfriend. However, the act of giving a little something on valentines day to your loved one is still such a treat and such a romantic gesture. Three roses to say I love you on our first valentines day together. And a dozen roses the next year. Ooh they made butterflies in my stomach every time. And I couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear especially when people would fawn over how lucky I was to receive it. One of the perks of a healthy relationship on valentine's day. However the flowers take little precedence over the giver's love because I know they will soon fade and die but your love, our love, will last an infinitely longer time. So I will now take the time to thank you for the roses. But more than that, thank you for loving me.

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