Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Day at the Beach

39. It was such a beautiful sunny Saturday that my family decided to go to the beach. It was down south of the island and the resort's name was Soleo. We arrived there around lunchtime and immediately ate lunch which composed of rice, porkchops and a great number of delicious seafood- oysters, grilled fish and scallops. The spread was amazing and we ate to our heart's content. After a desert of ice cream, most of my family took a dip in the sea. And later, my sister and I collected seashells and played in the sand while others took a nap or continued to swim. All that while, your family was also preparing to go to that same beach later in the day. When you texted me this I was so excited. Was it fate that our two families were going to meet face to face? I was musing this as  I was fiddling with the sand. However, I felt disappointed when my father called out that we were leaving in an hour. Not much time for you to get here, unfortunately. Then I had a fantastic idea! Why not leave you a romantic note on the beach? Something that told you I had been here. I found myself a stick and wrote in the sand-- I love you forever. They were big and deep letters so they wouldn't wash out when the tide went up later on. We left the beach, happy though tired, with my father driving the car. You texted me your location on the highway and that you were riding on a blue jeepney and I told you about our car and where it was. I opened the side window and around ten seconds I spotted your car coming from the other side of the road and became so excited. That was the moment you poked your head out of your vehicle and extended your hand towards mine. I heard you call out my name and I laughed in delight. My family were probably wondering what I was up to as I too poked my head out of the car window and extended my hand and shouted your name.  Though our hands didn't touch, the moment I saw your face I felt so much joy, my heart was beating right out of my chest. Then our two cars passed one another. My parents curiously asked me what was that all about and I explained excitedly. They may have been thinking that I was exhibiting signs of loco de amor but I didn't care. It was quite a day.  Later on, you told me your found my message and told me that you appreciated the gesture and that you loved me too. Now I was certain that when you enjoyed the rest of the day with your family, you'll have me on your mind as well. I swear some of our moments are so good they should be on a telenovela.

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