Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

First Date

21. Date. Such a foreign word to me in the beginning. Made me uncomfortable, uneasy, awkward as well as giddy. It was a Thursday that I unknowingly became your girlfriend, sort of. I don't really remember the full details but I think we went out a few days later, Saturday. It was a typical sort of date, lunch, movie and the playing at the arcade. These activities have become staples for us as the years went by. I remember how nervous I was, and how self- conscious since I didn't know how to act on a date, as I've never been on one. And going out with my girl friends are so different. It was so unfair. You had so much more experience with me with these things, and I think that knowledge gave you the leverage. I couldn't help it when you held my hand and my mind would just go blank with bliss, taking a trip to la-la land. I couldn't stop smiling as we talked and got to know each other better over lunch. In the darkness of the movie theater my heart would thump so hard, what was going to happen? Mind racing, as I knew that you'd definitely try to kiss me again. I was nervous that people might see. We cuddled for the first time in the darkness. We paid little attention to the movie, as we were more aware of each other. When we kissed it was like I died and gone to heaven. Our first kiss was definitely no fluke. My lips were burning from your kisses and it was like there was electricity on them. You felt the same way. After the date, you took me safely home and we would steal goodbye kisses in the darkness of the garage. I guess it was safe to say that our first date was an undeniable success. And would be an established pattern we would always love and enjoy.

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