Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Intertwine

35. Do you remember that awkward moment in our coliseum when we were just friends? Actually not only that, there were actually many awkward moments that we've undergone before we were officially a couple. But I remember this one because it was more awkward than usual. There was a program and cheering event we were all required to attend. You found us a spot in the bleachers and while you were leading me up, our arms got intertwined. I don't know how that happened, I don't think you did it intentionally. I don't even remember placing my arms in that compromising intimate position. Before we knew it we were sitting close to one another and when I realized how we actually looked, instead of getting my arms untangled with yours immediately, I just looked at your arms, amazed at how it fit so well with mine. How your hands were on top mine and almost exactly like my own except bigger and manlier. And how warm it felt. Such a right fit. Such electricity. I wondered if you noticed. Our eyes met, I blinked and pulled my arms away hastily and said 'oh, oops.' and apologized sheepishly. You grinned and said, 'careful there, people might get the wrong idea.' I caught the spark in your eye and blushed. I thought you were having a couple of ideas yourself and I admonished my stupidity. We tried to concentrate on the program but still there were times wherein I swear I caught you stealing sidelong glances at me. While the crowd was shouting and cheering all around,  all I could think of was you and our accidental interlock that I secretly liked. My skin was still burning from were our skin made contact.  I wondered if you felt it too.

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