Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Cheering You On

40. You love sports and were actively involved in numerous events during high school. You used to be a center at your highschool basketball team, the captain of the volleyball team and played a number of other sports- swimming, table tennis, track and field, you name it. I had absolutely no idea how you balanced those extra curricular activities along with your academics since you were also in the honor roll. It was impressive and I was thoroughly impressed. In all honesty, I would have loved to be cheering you on in one of your events however, the moment you stepped foot into college you decided to take a break from all the extra activities you've been doing. No matter how proud I was of your past achievements-- I wouldn't get to play your little cheerleader. It was a shame really because I never got to see you in your element and your glory days. After a year of not doing anything, you decided to participate in our college sportsfest. In three events: shot put, javelin throwing and tug-of- war. I shouted and cheered my heart out for you by the sidelines because I knew you'd need the support. No, there were no pom-poms involved though I seriously considered making you a placard. You told me it didn't matter and that you only needed my presence to feel so energized in the game. Your team won first place for the tug-of - war and you won a respectable 3rd place for the other games. Pretty good, considering how long you haven't played. I was proud of you and I let the world know it. It didn't matter if I didn't win, you said to me once, I've already won you. I laughed, was I a trophy? No, I'm just your little chearleader.  

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