Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Slow Dance

33. A very close friend of mine had her debut. She was an only child and since she was quite well-off, her family had it held at a hotel. Her debut was gorgeous, complete with an ice queen  theme, her cake was an ice castle and there was even a gigantic backdrop of icy mountain ranges, and a smoke machine. I was one of the 18 candles as well as part of the cotillion which we practiced two weeks for. It was the first time I had participated in a cotillion which was a group waltz. It turned out that we were lacking one male dancer and my friend suggested I invite you to her debut and be part of the cotillion. You thankfully agreed. The dance instructor, after observing us a bit, separated us and made us partner with other people, to my absolute disappointment. You promised to dance with me at the debut to make up for it. It was interesting to be partnered with my friend's cousin, who, though good-looking, reminded me of a bouncer at a bar. He was a decent dancer who never stepped on my toes and had a very strong masculine perfume that kept tickling my nose. I kept checking up on you though, since you were partnered with my friend's tall, lean and tanned cousin. You were doing just fine. I regretted not having been partnered with you and felt a teeny twinge of jealousy. Gowns were made for the women, tuxes were fitted by the men(you looked really dashing in a tux) and finishing touches were added to the venue. At the debut, I asked you to dance with me but although you promised you would, you refused me saying you were a horrible dancer and that it would be embarrassing with all the people around to see. No matter how I pulled you, you wouldn't budge from your seat. I sighed. If you wouldn't dance with me, then I would have to be satisfied with an imaginary partner, I thought. It was at that moment the band started to play Madonna's 'crazy for you' song. How ironic, I thought, as I went to the middle of the dance floor and put my hands out in the air, around my absentee boyfriend's neck. My close circle of friends had a great laugh as I did this, especially since I was the only one on the dance floor. They prodded you insistently to save me from making an utter fool of myself in public. In reluctance, you came after me. A small smile played on my lips as you slipped into my arms so naturally and we slow danced. You're crazy, you whispered, and told me you loved me. I know, I replied, melting in your arms. Touch me once and you'll know it's true. I've never wanted anyone like this. It's all brand new. You'll feel it in my kiss. I'm crazy for you. We held each other close and danced until the end of the song, oblivious to the rest of the world. It was our perfect, romantic, memorable first dance. It couldn't be more perfect. And it wouldn't be the last. 

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